Mariam Kvrivishvili Met with EUROCONTROL Delegation

Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development, Mariam Kvrivishvili met with Eurocontrol Director European Green Sky and Head of Aviation Sustainability, Marylin Bastin and Eurocontrol Head of Aviation Intelligence, Denis Huet. 

Georgia's cooperation with the EUROCONTROL was positively assessed at the meeting. The priority areas implemented by the country's government in terms of developing the Open Sky policy and increasing the safety of air navigation were noted. The fast pace of recovery of civil aviation in Georgia in the post-pandemic period, as well as the successful policy of entering new markets, were emphasized. It was noted that as a result of the correct and consistent decisions made by the government, both the civil aviation sector has significantly developed and the number of airlines entering the local market has increased, most of which are European.

The Deputy Minister informed the guests about the decision of the Government of Georgia on the construction of the new airport in Tbilisi. The parties agreed to cooperate in the planning process of the said strategic facility in accordance with the modern requirements to make the airport sustainable and "green".

Attention was also focused on the process of introducing the environmental and social management system in air navigation. It was emphasized that civil aviation is a strategically important area in the global fight against climate change, and it can make a significant contribution to the transition to a zero-carbon economy in the long term.

It was also noted that, by the order of the Georgian government, SAKAERONAVIGATSIA Ltd undertook the responsibility in terms of implementation of the long-term low-emission development plan and decarbonization of Georgia.