Levan Davitashvili Congratulated Geostat on 105th Anniversary

First Vice Prime Minister of Georgia congratulated the National Statistics Service on its 105th anniversary. Levan Davitashvili gave a welcome speech at the ceremonial event, which was held in connection with the anniversary, where he spoke about the importance of the activity of Geostat and its special role in the process of developing economic policy. The Minister of Economy expressed special thanks to the management and employees of the National Statistics Service for their professionalism and successful activities.

"The National Statistical Service of Georgia is the most important, independent institution of the country, which plays the greatest role in providing the necessary information for the country's policy planning in various directions. It should be noted that, in general, a reliable and competent statistical service is one of the most important components of the country's institutional development and evidence-based policy implementation. In this regard, the National Statistics Service of our country and the statistics system as a whole is one of the most advanced and successful according to many different criteria" – the Minister noted.

Levan Davitashvili highlighted that the Geostat has recently made the greatest progress in expanding statistical sources, perfecting/refining methodologies, harmonizing with EU standards, increasing accountability and transparency, creating new products, launching new services, and strengthening international cooperation. The reliability and high competence of the National Statistical Service of Georgia have been recognized by various international organizations, including the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the International Labor Organization, the United Nations, FAO, UNICEF, as well as the statistics of the European Union and the national statistics bodies of other countries. 

"I am sure that we will see even greater progress in the direction of the development of the national system of statistics, which, in the end, is an important foundation for effective and evidence-based policy," – the First Vice Prime Minister noted.